D Cocktail Bar is a team of hardworking people who strive to offer the best service throughout the island. Lead by David Mifsud with over 10 years experience and an academic background in mixology. Who also worked with professional mixologist who won various cocktail awards overseas.
Year after year we experience various changes throughout wedding celebrations. One particular change is taking place after the wedding ceremony ends and the newlyweds exit from church. It is a custom that they are welcomed to sip a little bit of sparkling delight such as champagne or prosecco. Why not outdo yourself and invite your guests to join you in your toast? We at D Cocktail Bar would be more then welcome to indulge you in an after ceremony drink for you and your guest at the church exit.
Change is also present in food served at a wedding reception. A delicacy that is a constant presence in wedding nowadays is sushi. To pair a drink with such mouthwatering food you need something as special as the food itself. Together with the one bar setup with a choice of the usual soft drink or one brand beer, some people like bring a little flair to the party by including eye catching cocktail bars servicing luscious cocktails, that will refresh and tingle your tastebuds during the scorching heat of summer, when most local weddings are being celebrated. Our team at D Cocktail Bar endeavours to give the bride and groom their much deserved memorable day. We offer a colourful selection of welcome drinks for your guests and also a variety of 8 up to 12 fragrant cocktails throughout the reception all varied to your tastes and liking. We also offer a selection of non alcoholic cocktails for kids or guests who do not favour alcohol and still want to be part of the party mood.
D Cocktail Bar also specialises in specific bar setups including; Whisky, Beer and Punch.
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David Mifsud
+356 99491748
Iz-Zurrieq, Malta