Mr.Franklin Cachia is a young, fresh and innovative professional. Coming from a strong photography and audio-visual background equipped him with a vision and approach by acquiring more knowledge and looking deeper into this sector. This has helped him to gain valuable insights about filming and editing in which today he is well known for. Counting up to four years working in this sector, Mr.Cachia gained a lot of experience, confidence and practice flourishing by implementing different concepts, techniques and twists in editing and graphics producing high-end audio-visual productions.
Growing along the years, his ambition and success drove him to the point where he continued to pursue his dream even outside the Maltese islands mastering creativity, passion, and expertise. What started by observation, along the way culminated into a full-time audio-visual production. Above all, his vision is to achieve higher standards to be able to deliver a professional piece of work to his clientele.
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+356 2165 0620 / + 356 7962 0650