Cake Art by Hannah Coleiro

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My passion for art grew with me from my childhood years, In Ukraine. I’ll never forget the many times I spent enjoying at my grandmother’s garden, and I loved to draw the flowers that decorated the surrounding.
My parents both shared my desire for art and I always had their total support.
When I moved to Malta, I pursued my ‘culinary arts’ as well as ‘baking and pastry’ studies at the Institute of Tourism Studies, in Saint Julian's. I had no idea to become a pastry chef, I just love the idea to create and express my imagination. After I finished my studies at ITS, I expanded my knowledge further at Paul`s Bradford Sugarcraft School. It was definitely a step forward as it was the best place to develop my creative skills.
Without exception, art should be created with extreme passion, and I apply this to every single cake I bake, and decorate. To create with love and passion, even the smallest details makes a difference, and every cake becomes a unique piece of art in itself.


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About Cake Art by Hannah Coleiro

Hannah Coleiro

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