Alyman Occasions

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Wedding and Event Organiser

If you are preparing for your Big Day or for any other special event and you want this day to be successful, well planned and supervised...but most of all, you want to be stress free and relaxed..

Then we are the ideal wedding and event organisers, whom you can trust and rely on...but most of all, we can give you our 100% by going into every detail and making sure this day will truly be an ever-lasting memory for you and your guests!

Alyman Occasions’ Organisers will guide you through the following details before your special event:

Guidance through Church procedures and marriage registry timings
Church seating, bridal party entrance and wedding rehearsal
Seating plan and venue set-up
Food menu quantity and selection
Drinks order quantity
Time schedule for the entire event

On the Big Day we will be coordinating and managing the event from the Church till the going away or depending on the type of event by:

Guiding guests to their seats and coordinating the bridal party’s entrance
Guiding readers, witnesses and parents for offerings
Coordinating with singer/s, photographer and videographer
Making sure the bridal dress is always in place and distributing confetti for after the ceremony
Gathering family members and bridal party for photos
Coordinating timings with head waiter and DJ/band
Guiding the couple through the shake hands procedure
Replenishing the souvenir baskets and taking care of payments to other service providers
Doing a stock take of drinks left and making sure all the bridal party items are collected
Catering for an emergency kit including sewing kit, stitches, etc.
Most importantly, we will make sure that the time schedule is being followed throughout the whole event!

We are here since we want to make sure that your event is unique as you are, styled to perfection and flawlessly executed. We will take care of your event as if it was ours, and make sure you will wish the event was still to take place whenever you recall the memories!

Photo Booth Hire

If you are into surprising your guests and making your Special Day a one to remember for everyone, then why not hire the most modern and fastest photo booth in the world?

Nowadays, mostly everyone enjoys taking photos and keeping a good memory of any event they have attended, but most of all, your guests will look for that extra fun!

Alyman Occasions’ Photo Booth Hire offers you:

Set up and removal of photo booth with LED roof top (the latter is extra)
LED TV displaying photos, power point presentations, videos, etc (extra)
Unlimited customized (from size to text, as well as logos) photos during hire, in black & white or colour
Two photo strips printed each time, one for the married couple, the other for their guests
A free guest book to which the second set of photos is attached
The possibility for all guests to leave a 30 seconds video message
The ability for all guests to upload their pics on Facebook instantly if WIFI is available
DVD of all photos and videos in high quality resolution
A good selection of funny and smart props (optional)
Photo Booth extension to fit more people inside the booth (extra)
At least one professional photo booth attendant to guide you and your guests during the event

So if you are still undecided about the favors or that little gift you want to give to your guests, this photo booth hire will surely give your special occasion that exclusive touch!
Apart from weddings, a photo booth can also be hired for any business event or birthday/graduation/staff party. For such crowded events, the photo booth can also be extended to fit up to 12 people at a time!

Whatever the occasion, the photo booth is the ideal way to capture a candid moment. It provides all guests with a photo strip they can treasure for all their life and even use it as a bookmark!


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+356 9982 9202